Il Washington Post pubblica un pezzo di Faid Siddiqui (link alternativo) in cui si sostiene che un crescente numero di residenti nutra preoccupazioni in merito alla sempre più massiccia presenza di veicoli a guida autonoma in giro per le strade della Silicon Valley:
Karen Brenchley is a computer scientist with expertise in training artificial intelligence, but this longtime Silicon Valley resident has pangs of anxiety whenever she sees Waymo self-driving cars maneuver the streets near her home.
The former product manager, who has worked for Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, wonders how engineers could teach the robocars operating on her tree-lined streets to make snap decisions, speed and slow with the flow of traffic and yield to pedestrians coming from the nearby park. She has asked her husband, an award-winning science-fiction author who doesn’t drive, to wear a shiny vest while cycling to ensure autonomous vehicles spot him in a rush of activity.
The problem isn’t that she doesn’t understand the technology. It’s that she does, and she knows how flawed nascent technology can be.
Immagine da Wikimedia.
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