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Gli Youtuber entrano in politica [EN]

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A cura di @zupperboy,

Ryan Broderick parla della carriera politica di Kim Kataguiri, iniziata googlando per una ricerca di scuola i cui risultati riassunse in un video caricato su Youtube, poi diventato virale. Così è diventato il più giovane eletto al congresso brasiliano. La sua organizzazione, il Movimento Brasil Livre, ha una collocazione politica ambivalente. Agisce prevalentemente come canale social d’informazioni.

“First, we get news from somewhere,” he says. “There’s news from Folha de São Paulo, there’s news from Globo, there’s news from anywhere, but we choose the news that the public wants to read. We basically curate.”

Then, he says, they decide how to manipulate that news to fit their message. “Nowadays, people only read the headline, and they already want to have an opinion before reading the news. Basically, what we offer them is, ‘This is the news, in two phrases — this is what we think about it.’”

And finally, the third step: “Basically something to make people laugh and have an incentive to share it with their friends,” he says.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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