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Sono diventata la stalker di mia figlia [EN]

3 commenti

A cura di @Perodatrent.

Un genitore racconta sul Guardian come abbia scoperto con orrore come sia facile curiosare nella vita della figlia che sta studiando fuori casa:

My 18-year-old daughter, Lucy, left home for university this autumn and I have become her stalker. I barely recognise myself. I have survived for years without social media. I am not on Facebook or Twitter, I don’t blog, I have no online presence. This summer, though, when Lucy went InterRailing, my children signed me up to Instagram and Snapchat so that I could follow her travels. To my horror (and delight), I discovered I could click on Lucy’s name and see exactly where she was on a map of Europe – which city, which street and, from that, which hostel, which club, which coffee house. I could Google the venue, visit the website, read reviews on TripAdvisor, imagine her there … It was fascinating, if borderline unhinged.

Immagine da Maxpixel.


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