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Il diario di un gentiluomo nell’Inghilterra Tudor

5 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @reislaufer

Un vecchio articolo su History Extra parla della vita quotidiana di Humprey Newton, un membro della gentry inglese di inizio ‘500, ripercorrendo il suo stile di vita e le sue mansioni quotidiane.

We know much about the ruling figures who governed, fought, loved and divorced during the 15th and 16th centuries. What, though, of those further down the social scale, those living far away from the court, tucked away in a small corner of England? It is usually difficult to find out about these individuals because few personal records of their existence survive. Humphrey Newton, however, was a gentleman who wrote a commonplace book – a type of notebook – in which he jotted down a variety of things he wanted to keep. His notes cover a 20 year period from 1497, when Humphrey first inherited the small estate of Newton in north Cheshire. Through the book we gain a fascinating insight into the daily life and interests of a local gentleman.


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