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Il governo USA limita l’esportazione di software per IA [EN]

10 commenti

A cura di @HerrMonnezza

Un articolo di Reuters spiega che l’amministrazione Trump ha adottato provvedimenti per restringere l’export di software per il riconoscimento di immagini:

Under a new rule which goes into effect on Monday, companies that export certain types of geospatial imagery software from the United States must apply for a license to send it overseas except when it is being shipped to Canada.

“They want to keep American companies from helping the Chinese make better AI products that can help their military,” said James Lewis, a technology expert with the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank.

L’articolo prosegue chiarendo meglio che le restrizioni riguardano solo il software per il riconoscimento automatico di obiettivi nelle immagini:

The measure covers software that could be used by sensors, drones, and satellites to automate the process of identifying targets for both military and civilian ends.

Un commento su Hacker News specifica ulteriormente l’esatta natura delle restrizioni:

Geospatial imagery “software” “specially designed” for training a Deep Convolutional Neural Network to automate the analysis of geospatial imagery and point clouds, and having all of the following:

  1. Provides a graphical user interface that enables the user to identify objects (e.g., vehicles, houses, etc.) from within geospatial imagery and point clouds in order to extract positive and negative samples of an object of interest;
  2. Reduces pixel variation by performing scale, color, and rotational normalization on the positive samples;
  3. Trains a Deep Convolutional Neural Network to detect the object of interest from the positive and negative samples; and
  4. Identifies objects in geospatial imagery using the trained Deep Convolutional Neural Network by matching the rotational pattern from the positive samples with the rotational pattern of objects in the geospatial imagery.

Technical Note: A point cloud is a collection of data points defined by a given coordinate system. A point cloud is also known as a digital surface model.

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