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Il ritorno della primavera araba [EN]

14 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @Piwakkio

Secondo un articolo de l’Economist a causa del sostanziale fallimento della primavera araba – che non sarebbe riuscita a migliorare le condizioni di vita delle pololazioni in Medio Oriente – si potrebbe essere sull’orlo di una nuova, imminente, serie di proteste.

Though less likely to vote than the global average, young Arabs are much more inclined to protest. The UN report notes that Arab protest movements tend to come in five-year cycles. North Africa’s unrest spiked in 2001, 2006 and 2011, each time more turbulent than the last. Another bout seems due. Young Arabs, the report says, “may prefer more direct, more violent means, especially if they are convinced that existing mechanisms for participation and accountability are useless.”


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