La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

In this new Gilded Age, robber barons are no longer the villains [EN]

6 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @perodatrent.

Nei periodi di diseguaglianza del passato, le persone che avevano risentimento lo provavano verso i super-ricchi. Oggi invece i ricchi raccolgono voti e consenso, mentre il risentimento si è spostato verso i professionisti stipendiati, la “elite cittadina liberale”.

Ne parla Ian Jack sul Guardian:

“… Can it really be that salaried professionals – managers, professors, judges – have replaced the super-rich in the popular imagination as “enemies of the people”? It seems so. The Trump family penthouse at the top of Trump Tower has more gilt than any Vanderbilt could have imagined – it must be like living inside an ingot – but the poor among Trump’s supporters don’t seem to mind. A rich man who might once have been the cause of public disaffection has now become its political consequence“.


Immagine da pixabay.

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