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Sono stati individuati i fermioni di Weyl

61 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Frank Lloyd Wrong.

Un team internazionale guidato da scienziati di Princeton ha osservato i fermioni di Weyl, particelle prive di massa ipotizzate da Hermann Weyl 85 anni fa. Secondo quanto spiega questo articolo su phys.org, la scoperta potrebbe portare a grandi miglioramenti nell’elettronica dei computer.

For a physicist, the Weyl fermions are most notable for behaving like a composite of monopole- and antimonopole-like particles when inside a crystal, Hasan said. This means that Weyl particles that have opposite magnetic-like charges can nonetheless move independently of one another with a high degree of mobility.

The researchers also found that Weyl fermions can be used to create massless electrons that move very quickly with no backscattering, wherein electrons are lost when they collide with an obstruction. In electronics, backscattering hinders efficiency and generates heat. Weyl electrons simply move through and around roadblocks, Hasan said.
Immagine da Wikimedia Commons.

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