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Intelligenza superiore e pensiero analitico non proteggono contro l’effetto “Verità Illusoria” [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent.

Il bollettino della British Psychological Society riporta uno studio in pre-print in cui viene messa alla prova la credenza che una intelligenza superiore e uno stile di pensiero analitico proteggano contro il fenomeno della verità illusoria, cioè la tendenza a credere come vere le affermazioni che sentiamo ripetere spesso.

It’s a trick that politicians have long exploited: repeat a false statement often enough, and people will start believing that it’s true. Psychologists have named this phenomenon the “illusory truth effect”, and it seems to come from the fact that we find it easier to process information that we’ve encountered many times before. This creates a sense of fluency which we then (mis)interpret as a signal that the content is true.

Le conclusioni dello studio, praticato su diversi partecipanti in diversi modi, confermano la nostra tendenza a credere vere le affermazioni che sentiamo ripetere, indipendentemente dal nostro personale modo di pensare.

These results suggest that we are all predisposed to believe repeated information regardless of our own particular cognitive profile. And while that might make us all susceptible to advertising and the fabrications of dishonest politicians, the researchers have a more optimistic take. “These novel findings are in line with the assertion that processing fluency is not a judgmental bias and flaw in the individual, but rather a cue to truth that is universal and epistemologically justified in most contexts”.

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