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Jair Bolsonaro ha vinto il primo turno delle presidenziali in Brasile

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Su suggerimento di @tusaichi.

Il candidato di destra è arrivato al 46 per cento e andrà al ballottaggio con Fernando Haddad del Partito dei lavoratori, che ha preso il 29 per cento

Un articolo di Reuters spiega che il successo di Bolsonaro rassicura i mercati per via della sua scelta dell’economista Paulo Guedes come consulente per l’economia.

The nation’s currency and equity markets have increasingly rallied in lock-step with favorable poll numbers for Bolsonaro, a firebrand congressman better known for his broadsides against gays and Afro-Brazilians than his embrace of free markets. Over a 27-year legislative career, Bolsonaro has voted repeatedly to preserve state-owned monopolies and against reforming Brazil’s bloated public pension system.

But his selection of a respected University of Chicago-educated banker, Paulo Guedes, as his economic advisor is good enough for many investors and business owners. Some view Bolsonaro as the least worst alternative in a race that is shaping up as a showdown between the far right and far left.

Immagine da Public Domain Pictures.

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