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La lotta per i diritti degli uomini nelle corti della California [EN]

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A cura di @Yoghi (modificato).

In California una ONG chiamata National Coalition for Men si batte per difendere gli uomini da discriminazione e abusi. Un articolo dl New York Times ne racconta le iniziative e alcuni dei principali esponenti.

Mr. Allison, 47, is a key player in a movement of men’s rights activists challenging female-focused businesses, marketing strategies, educational programs and civic projects that have surged since the election of President Trump in November 2016 and the #MeToo movement.

He has been a plaintiff in 13 lawsuits, most of which cite discrimination against men in violation of California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, named for the politician Jesse Unruh, known as “Big Daddy.” It outlaws discrimination against all people by any type of business establishment in the state, regardless of a person’s sex, race and other characteristics. Mr. Allison and his cohort would like to remind everyone that Unruh’s broad promise of “full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges or services” extends to men.

“I believe in social justice and fairness,” Mr. Allison said.

Immagine: George Hodan

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