La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

La mortalità infantile continua a diminuire [EN]

16 commenti

Un articolo del New York Times (link alternativo) parla della diminuzione della mortalità infantile nel mondo, sia in termini assoluti, sia, ovviamente, in termini relativi. Tuttavia, questo miglioramento appare fortemente diseguale tra i vari paesi e regioni del mondo.

In some places, children’s health has improved drastically. In others, many still die very early.
From 2000 to 2017, all but one of the 97 low-to-middle-income countries that account for the vast majority of deaths of young children lowered their child mortality rates, according to a report released Tuesday by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with a research team at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, led by Stephen Lim, the institute’s senior director of science and engineering.
The data reveal a wide disparity of outcomes in early child mortality both across countries and within them. The researchers project that if current rates of progress continue, nearly two-thirds of children in the poorest countries will still live in districts that won’t meet United Nations development goals by 2030.

Immagine da Medel.

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