La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

La scomoda verità sull’antisemitismo svedese [EN]

46 commenti

A cura di @Miau(i)Chan (modificato).

Un articolo sul New York Times racconta il risorgere dell antisemitismo in Svezia e la preoccupante situazione delle comunità ebraiche locali:

Today, entering a synagogue anywhere in Sweden usually requires going through security checks, including airport-like questioning. At times of high alert, police officers with machine guns guard Jewish schools. Children at the Jewish kindergarten in Malmo play behind bulletproof glass. Not even funerals are safe from harassment.

Jewish schoolteachers have reported hiding their identity. A teacher who wouldn’t even share the city where she teaches for fear of her safety told a Swedish news outlet: “I hear students shouting in the hallway about killing Jews.” Henryk Grynfeld, a teacher at a high school in a mostly immigrant neighborhood in Malmo, was told by a student: “We’re going to kill all Jews.” He said other students yell “yahoud,” the Arabic word for Jew, at him.

Un lungo paper pubblicato dal Kantor Center dell’università di Tel Aviv affronta più nel dettaglio il problema dell’antisemitismo in otto paesi europei, tra cui l’Italia e, appunto, la Svezia.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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