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La tradizione folk dei merletti di NeSpoon

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E’ disponibile un’intervista di qualche anno fa all’artista su Widewalls curata da Elena Martinique.

Widewalls: Your trademark doily art that imitates intricate traditional lacework could be found all over the world, covering both walls and street furniture. What inspired these designs and your penchant for an old and somewhat forgotten craft such as doily crocheting?

NeSpoon: “I make positive art and I like to evoke positive emotions in people. I use lace patterns because every lace contains a universal aesthetic code that is deeply embedded in most cultures around the world. When I add colors to this patterns, people sometimes say that I am inspired by Tibetan Mandalas, Moroccan Ceramic or native pre-Columbian art. Lace patterns contain a basic code of the harmony, which is common for most of the people. It is very ancient code, I think, it is older than the humanity. We can find it all around us in the nature: in the shape of small sea creatures, flowers, snow flakes. The harmony and symmetry of lace patterns are biological, alive, not mathematical, machine generated”.

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