La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Le canzoni di successo valgono più dell’oro? [EN]

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A cura di @Billy Pilgrim.

Un articolo di Robert Plummer su BBC News racconta la vicenda di Merck Mercuriadis, un manager di artisti musicali che ha fondato Hipgnosis, un fondo che acquista diritti di canzoni famose, per poi distribuire utili agli investitori.

Maybe you’ve spent money on buying the music or subscribing to a streaming service. Or perhaps the makers of a TV series or a commercial have paid to use it. So who benefits from that money? Well, the people who sang and played on the session (or some of them, anyway), plus the songwriters, plus the record company, plus the publishing company.

But these days, it doesn’t stop there. Nowadays even songs can have shareholders. Hipgnosis Songs Fund is steadily building up a catalogue of hit songs and inviting big institutional investors to share in the proceeds. That means a much wider group of people can see an income from music royalties.

The fund floated on the London Stock Exchange in July 2018 and recently published its first-ever annual results. The man who founded it, Merck Mercuriadis, says hit songs are “as investable as gold or oil”.

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