La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Le esaltanti e talvolta lucrose vite dei trader di valute al tempo della Brexit [EN]

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Un articolo di Bloomberg racconta le vite di due operatori di borsa impegnati a speculare sulla sterlina sfruttando la volatilità causata della Brexit.

Currency traders have long kept their rituals secret—unlike those who deal in shares and other financial instruments, most have no obligation to report their positions. And, aware that speculators are often blamed for causing or exacerbating foreign exchange crises, they prefer to celebrate their triumphs and mourn their losses away from public scrutiny. But Matts and a friend of his, Gaurav “Steve” Mehra, who trades in Geneva for wealthy investors, agreed to allow Bloomberg Businessweek to watch them work during key moments in Britain’s move to exit the EU. For most people, Brexit was a slow-motion car wreck, too complicated to parse. Matts and Mehra’s livelihood depended not only on understanding what was happening, but on predicting the future, too.

Immagine da Flickr.

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