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L’immunità per gli agenti del MI5

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Il Telegraph riporta la notizia che il tribunale speciale per il controllo dei servizi segreti britannici ha deciso che gli agenti che commettono reati possono essere processati, ma potranno difendersi con l’argomento di aver agito nell’interesse pubblico.

Their majority ruling states that MI5 officials and agents would face the consequences of the law for such actions.

It goes on to state, however, that they can still argue before the prosecuting authorities that they should not be convicted of a crime as they were acting in a justified manner and what they did was in the public interest.

Il problema era stato sollevato da organizzazioni per i diritti civili britanniche, in relazione al coinvolgimento di apparati governativi nelle uccisioni in Irlanda del nord.

Daniel Holder, Deputy Director of CAJ, said: “The practice of paramilitary informant involvement in serious crime was a pattern of human rights violations that prolonged and exacerbated the Northern Ireland conflict. This close ruling is far from the end of the matter.”

Immagine da Gordon Bell – Flickr.

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