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Lo stato fallito di “Papa Don”: gli Stati Uniti visti dal Kenia [EN]

Lo stato fallito di “Papa Don”: gli Stati Uniti visti dal Kenia [EN]

46 commenti

Per mesi, l’autore satirico keniota Patrick Gathara ha dipinto gli USA come una nazione del “terzo mondo”. Poi è arrivato l’assalto al Campidoglio.
Ora racconta al Guardian di come si è sentito vedendo le immagini in televisione

My aim has been to puncture that widely accepted idea that the globe is divided between those who have achieved democratic nirvana and those of us still seeking enlightenment at the feet of western gurus, chanting their mantras of electoral reform and accountability. This week – for a moment – I worried whether the truth was now beyond satire.
It’s now clear those gurus were simply fellow travelers, whose wealth had more to do with iniquity than nirvana. In many cases, “third world” elections were run better than elections in the US, and as one correspondent in Colombia reminded a US host puffed up with ideas of superiority: “We haven’t had any mobs storming the congress here for several decades.”

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