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Lo zeitgeist del 21° secolo: la misantropia [EN]

83 commenti

Su suggerimento di @joint joint wassen.

Lo zeitgeist, lo spirito del tempo, è la capacità della della mente umana di creare il mondo in cui si vive, è l’elemento fondante di una data epoca: Matthias Heitmann nello studio che qui si recensisce, vede nella misantropia lo spirito del ventunesimo secolo.

Risk aversion has infused public and private life to such an extent that we now think of ourselves as too incompetent to act upon the world. And this ultimately renders us incapable of overcoming the problems and challenges that face us. The result? We have become unfree.

Heitmann develops his thesis by dissecting contemporary attitudes towards identity, tolerance, education, enjoyment, emancipation, environmentalism and victimhood. He shows how these attitudes constitute a zeitgeist in which humans are seen as incapable, irrational and irresponsible.


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