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Mercedes ha sperimentato con successo un autobus senza guidatore

Mercedes ha sperimentato con successo un autobus senza guidatore

10 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @Lowresolution

Mercedes ha annunciato il successo del primo test di un autobus automatico in Olanda. Il bus, provvisto del sistema CityPilot e comunque supervisionato da un guidatore umano pronto a prendere i controlli del veicolo, ha percorso 20 chilometri nel normale traffico urbano, riconoscendo segnali stradali, pedoni, altri veicoli e ostacoli, semafori, tunnel e ovviamente le fermate del bus lungo il suo percorso, aprendo e chiudendo le porte automaticamente secondo il flusso dei passeggeri.

Just under a dozen cameras scan the road and surroundings, while long and short-range radar systems constantly monitor the route ahead. There is also a GPS system. Thanks to data fusion, all the data received create an extremely precise picture and allow the bus to be positioned to within centimetres. This already works in practice, as demonstrated by the world premiere of the CityPilot on an exacting route covering almost 20 km, with a number of tight bends, tunnels, numerous bus stops and involving high speeds for a city bus.

This semi-automated city bus improves safety, as it relieves its driver’s workload and nothing remains hidden from its cameras and radar systems. It improves efficiency, as its smooth, predictive driving style saves wear and tear while lowering fuel consumption and emissions. With its smooth and even rate of travel it also improves the comfort of its passengers.

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