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The Museum of Menstruation [EN]

81 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Hater Parisi

Vice racconta la storia di Harry Finley, che nella sua casa in Maryland ha creato il primo museo al mondo sui prodotti per l’igiene femminile, conosciuto come MUM: il “Museum of Menstruation & Woman’s Health”.
E tra le FAQ del sito “ufficiale” del museo, si specifica:

How does this qualify you to run a museum of menstruation?

I had the nerve to create it, buttressed by my interest in the cultural history of menstruation. And I researched and constructed exhibits by trade. MUM was my first Web site.
Before I started MUM, I had to decide if I wanted to suffer the criticism it would of course bring (and criticized I have been); the enterprise had to be worth it. I’ve had no reason to regret my MUM, although it’s been very hard.


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