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Oli London insiste con le pretese transrazziali, mostrando i risultati della chirurgia.

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Insider riporta la notizia che Oli London, di professione influencer su TikTok, ha dato notizia sui media di aver continuato il percorso chirurgico deciso per somigliare sempre di più alla star del pop coreano Park Jimin.

London, who is British-born and ethnically white, said […] “now finally, I feel Korean” […]

London, who goes by they/them pronouns, announced on June 24 that they “identify as Korean.” Amid social media backlash, they doubled down on those claims in a follow-up Twitter video on June 29 […]

In the latest video, London said they opted for another round of cosmetic surgeries because they wanted to make Park, their ultimate idol, proud.

“I want him to be proud, I’m sure he’ll be proud that I look exactly like him now. I have his eyes. I finally have Jimin’s Korean eyes and they’re so, so beautiful”

Gli esperti affermano che paragonare l’essere transrazziali ad essere transgender è una semplificazione eccessiva.

Oli London does not have the lived experience of being Korean (simply identifying with the culture is not the same) and does not have Korean ancestry. An additional problem with this thinking is that it does not consider whether the community or so-called race that the individual identifies with accepts them as a member of the community

Immagine via Wikimedia Commons

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