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Our Zoom Date with Britain’s First Woman to Explore the World (Alone) by Motorbike

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Il sito MessyNessy raccoglie l’intervista di Elspeth Beard, prima donna inglese a fare il giro del mondo in solitaria in moto quasi 40 anni fa, e attraverso le sue risposte, e il libro che ha appena pubblicato ci permette di immaginare quali avventure abbia vissuto.

In the summer of 1982, a 23-year-old Elspeth Beard set off on her motorbike, and didn’t return home until she’d travelled the entire globe – a remarkable feat for any person, but particularly as a solo female biker nearly 40 years ago, making her one of the first women to ride around the world alone by bike. These days, Elspeth has finally begun to share the mud-scuffed, inspiring details of her story with the world

Immagine di apertura via Wikimedia

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