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Perché i migranti dovrebbero rispettare i nostri confini se l’Occidente non ha mai rispettato i loro? [EN]

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A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo del New York Times (link alternativo) argomenta a favore di un sistema di immigrazione basato su delle quote stabilite in base a quanto il paese ospite ha causato danni passati al paese di provenienza.

Today, a quarter of a billion people are migrants. They are moving because the rich countries have stolen the future of the poor countries. Whether it is Iraqis and Syrians fleeing the effects of illegal American wars, or Africans seeking to work for their former European colonial masters, or Guatemalans and Hondurans trying to get into the country that peddles them guns and buys their drugs: They are coming here because we were there.
Before you ask them to respect our borders, ask yourself: Has the West ever respected anyone’s borders?

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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