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Prawo Jazdy, il peggior guidatore d’Irlanda [EN]

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Nel 2007 la Gardai (la polizia irlandese) si accorse per caso che nel Paese imperversava un autore di crimini stradali seriale, sfuggito all’occhio acuto della giustizia per troppo tempo: Prawo Jazdy.

Fu un acuto investigatore, infine, che fece luce su questo inspiegabile mistero:

HE WAS one of Ireland’s most reckless drivers, a serial offender who crossed the country wantonly piling up dozens of speeding fines and parking tickets while somehow managing to elude the law.

In the end, the vital clue to his identity lay not with Interpol or the fingerprint database but in the pages of a Polish-English dictionary. Prawo jazdy means driving licence.

La Gardai vinse anche il premio Ignobel per la letteratura, quell’anno, ma si rifiuto’ di ritirare il premio, che fu invece ritirato da una automobilista polacca multata in Irlanda:

Many of the winners attended the ceremony, where they received their awards from a real Nobel laureate, but the Garda’s prize was accepted by Karolina Lewestam, “a Polish citizen and holder of a Polish driver’s licence”, organisers said.

She “expressed her good wishes to the Irish police service”.

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