La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Silvio is Back [EN]

165 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Giulio Cesare.

Un articolo del Guardian parla del ritorno in campo di Silvio Berlusconi, dopo «frode fiscale, scandali sessuali e un’operazione al cuore», partendo dal dato delle elezioni della Sicilia.

The outcome of regional elections in Sicily last Sunday confirmed his remarkable capacity for survival over a long political career tainted by sex scandals, countless allegations of corruption and a tax fraud conviction which many pundits predicted would kill him off. Berlusconi succeeded in forging a winning coalition out of his centre-right Forza Italia and the two far-right parties – the Northern League and Brothers of Italy.

In doing so, he crushed the populist Five Star Movement’s dream of governing its first region and compounded the disarray within the centre-left Democratic party, which had been in power in Sicily since 2012.


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