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Stonewall al centro del dibattito su diritti di transessuali e identità di genere

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Il Guardian riporta le notizie di uno scontro all’interno di Stonewall, storica associazione britannica nata per difendere i diritti delle persone LGBT.

Uno dei fondatori ha accusato l’attuale direttivo di prendere una posizione estremista nei confronti dei diritti dei transessuali, ai danni delle persone LGB.

Il casus belli è stata la decisione di appoggiare la decisione (illegale) dell’Università dello Essex di bandire un oratore accusato di essere transfobico.

… Prof Kathleen Stock, a professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex who has written a book criticising theories of gender identity, said Stonewall had encouraged a definition of transphobia that was far too wide.

“Through its Diversity Champions scheme it’s disseminated this very widespread idea that an attack on the theory – or an attack on the particular interpretation – of identity is an attack on trans people. And that has really made the whole discourse incredibly toxic, given its enormous reach within national institutions,” she said. […] Obviously I believe trans people should have absolutely every right not to be aggressed or discriminated against at work … but they got this new project and immediately the T-shirts are saying ‘trans women are women, get over it’ – that could not be more aggressive …”

Immagine: da Flickr

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