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Storia del sangue [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Anonima e a cura di @GiMa.

Un articolo del New Yorker racconta la storia del sangue e la sua importanza nella cultura umana, ripercorrendo alcuni dei contenuti del libro Nine Pints Rose George:

In some cultures, blood loss is perceived as a danger not only to the individual but also to the larger community. George journeys to a remote Hindu village in western Nepal, where she finds Radha, a sixteen-year-old chau, which means “untouchable menstruating woman” in the local dialect. During her period, Radha can’t enter her family’s house or her temple, and she can’t touch other women, lest they be polluted. If she so much as consumes buffalo milk or butter, the buffalo themselves will get sick and stop producing milk. She can be fed only boiled rice, thrown by her little sister onto a plate from a safe distance, “the way you would feed a dog.”

Il canale pubblico statunitense PBS sul suo canale Youtube ripercorre l’evoluzione del sangue, presente gia in organismi viventi milioni di anni fa ed evolutosi fino ad essere una componente assolutamente fondamentale per buona parte degli organismi animali della terra.

Immagine da Flickr – Mate Marschalko.

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