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Tesoro, mi si è ristretta la trama [EN]

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A cura di @werner58

C’è una cosa che a Nicholas Barber, critico cinematografico per l’Economist e molte altre pubblicazioni inglesi, non va proprio giù dei blockbuster recenti. C’entra con Guerre Stellari ma non solo, passando per James Bond e l’MCU: è la tendenza a trasformare in “affari di famiglia” quelle che erano avventure in un vasto mondo.

There were an exciting few minutes during this week’s episode of the BBC’s “Sherlock” when it looked as if Sherlock Holmes was getting on with the job of being a detective. A client had come to 221B Baker Street with a mystery to be solved; Sherlock had deduced – well, guessed – that an entrepreneur named Culverton Smith was a serial killer; and he had devised an enjoyably ridiculous scheme to prove his suspicions […] In the end, we learnt that Holmes’s main motivation for taking on the case was to shake Dr Watson out of his depression. Then we learnt that it was Holmes’s long-lost sister who had put him on the trail of Culverton Smith […] Ultimately, the episode wasn’t about anything except Holmes and his closest friends and relatives.

– Immagine da Flickr

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