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Tutte le parole dei presidenti

4 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @Varie ed Eventuali.

Perché a noi i grafici ci piacciono: una serie di tabelle pubblicate da The Atlantic indicano le parole più usate dai presidenti statunitensi, un modo anche per capire i cambiamenti della storia degli Stati Uniti.

We invite you to explore these speeches. Click on any individual word and observe how frequently each president employed it. Sort by DATE to see how the word’s use has evolved over time, and by DENSITY to rank the presidents by their propensity to use that particular word. Click on any of the colored bars to summon a list of all the times that the corresponding president used the word in a State of the Union address. Then scroll down below the graph and see how our team of historians interprets what this chart reveals, and what it may conceal.


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