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Uber e la truffa del vomito [EN]

Uber e la truffa del vomito [EN]

2 commenti

Sullo Chicago Tribune, racconta di una presunta truffa che si starebbe affermando negli Stati Uniti, perpetrata dagli autisti di Uber ai danni dei loro stessi clienti:

The next time you use Uber, check your bill. The trip could turn out to be expensive — not just for the distance but for a type of fraud that is on the rise.

It’s called “vomit fraud,” a scam repeatedly denounced in social networks yet still taking place around the world.

What is it? Passengers request Uber cars, which deliver them to their destination. So far so good.

But soon the passenger receives a note from Uber reporting an “adjustment” in the bill and an extra charge that can range from $80 to $150, depending on the driver’s degree of crookedness.

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