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Viaggio in Corea del nord [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @s1m0n4

Su Broader Horizons un lungo racconto di viaggio sui 12 giorni che il giornalista della BBC Simon Buckby ha trascorso in Corea del nord.

The day before you fly out to Pyongyang you must attend a briefing session with your tour company in Beijing. This is where you will be told some basic dos and don’ts. You are strongly advised not to ask questions about: the Kim leaders; religion; nuclear weapons; traitors; or political prison camps. There are strict rules on what you can photograph. Any pictures of the leaders’ statues must be of the whole body not just a part such as the head; and they cannot be taken from beyond 45 degrees from the front-centre. There are to be no photos of construction sites, bus stops, cows in fields or a host of other things. You must never fold, tear or throw away any newspaper or magazine that so much as contains a photograph of one of the leaders (and they all do). And you must never point (though you will see literally thousands of photographs of the leaders doing it).


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