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Women considered better coders – but only if they hide their gender [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @C0d3r

Uno studio americano del Cal Poly e della North Carolina State University riportato da The Guardian analizza i contributi di codice su Github in base al genere e rivela che il tasso di approvazione delle modifiche apportate dalle sviluppatrici di software é superiore a quello degli sviluppatori.
I ricercatori hanno anche identificato pregiudizi di valutazione qualora il genere dell’utente Github sia riconoscibile dall’avatar o dal nome:

The researchers looked at approximately 3m pull requests submitted on GitHub, and found that code written by women was approved at a higher rate (78.6%) than code written by men (74.6%).

Looking for an explanation for this disparity, the researchers examined several different factors, such as whether women were making smaller changes to code (they were not) or whether women were outperforming men in only certain kinds of code (they were not).

“Women’s acceptance rates dominate over men’s for every programming language in the top 10, to various degrees,” the researchers found.

The researchers then queried whether women were benefiting from reverse bias – the desire of developers to promote the work of women in a field where they are such a small minority. To answer this, the authors differentiated between women whose profiles made it clear that they were female, and women developers whose profiles were gender neutral.

It was here that they made the disturbing discovery: women’s work was more likely to be accepted than men’s, unless “their gender is identifiable”, in which case the acceptance rate was worse than men’s.

Immagine da pixabay.

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