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Analysis The emperor has no clothes. But were the election today, Trump would win

Analysis The emperor has no clothes. But were the election today, Trump would win

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Nonostante una puerile esibizione in tribunale a New York, Trump supera nei sondaggi Biden, il cui impressionante record non si sta traducendo in sostegno. Ne parla  David Smith sul Guardian.

One has signed historic climate and infrastructure legislation, steered the economy past a recession and rallied the west against Vladimir Putin. The other spent Monday on trial for fraud ranting and raving against a judge in a puerile display from the witness stand. And if a presidential election were held today, Joe Biden would lose to Donald Trump by a lot, according to the latest swing state polls. Maybe it’s the pandemic, or inflation, or tribalism, but it is increasingly hard to deny that something strange and perverse is happening in American politics. Since Biden took office the US economy has added a record 14m jobs while his list of legislative accomplishments has earned some comparisons with those of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. Yet in a recent Gallup poll the 80-year-old’s overall approval rating was just 37%.

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