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Barack Obama, l’intelligenza artificiale e il futuro del pianeta

Barack Obama, l’intelligenza artificiale e il futuro del pianeta

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Una lunga intervista di Wired con il presidente degli Stati Uniti. Si parla del futuro dell’Intelligenza Artificiale e del suo impatto su sicurezza nazionale e mondo del lavoro, di Star Trek, auto a guida autonoma, del rapporto fra Governo e tecnologia e di molto altro. L’intervista è disponibile anche su YouTube. Obama firma inoltre un editoriale sugli stessi argomenti, sempre su Wired.

I love this stuff. Always have. It’s why my favorite movie of last year was The Martian. Of course, I’m predisposed to love any movie where Americans defy the odds and inspire the world. But what really grabbed me about the film is that it shows how humans—through our ingenuity, our commitment to fact and reason, and ultimately our faith in each other—can science the heck out of just about any problem.

I’m a guy who grew up watching Star Trek—and I’d be lying if I said that show didn’t have at least some small influence on my worldview. What I loved about it was its optimism, the fundamental belief at its core that the people on this planet, for all our varied backgrounds and outward differ­ences, could come together to build a better tomorrow.

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