La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Battere il populismo, lo fanno in Svizzera [EN]

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A cura di @Uqbal.

In Svizzera, con una sua consolidata tradizione di partiti di destra sovranisti, si sta facendo largo una retorica progressista che, secondo il Guardian, sta riuscendo a mettere in difficoltà il populismo locale.

How do you beat rightwing populists? With pink socks, viral videos, condoms – and an iron determination not to let them decide what matters.

That’s how Operation Libero are doing it anyway.

As advancing nationalist parties prepare to meet in Milan on Monday to forge an alliance in the run-up to May’s European elections, anti-populist activists in Switzerland may have some lessons on halting – even reversing – the seemingly unstoppable rise of rightwing populists.

“It’s about the political space, who’s defining and shaping it, who’s communicating strategically within it, who, basically, is holding it,” says Flavia Kleiner, 29, the group’s self-assured co-president, over tea in a Zurich bookshop and coffee house.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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