Su suggerimento di @Perodatrent.
Kenan Malik sul Guardian propone alcune considerazioni sul rapporto tra differenti culture, partendo dal recente caso della bambina di Tower Hamlet e affermando che una discussione aperta e razionale è rara, ed invece resta intrappolata tra l’ostilità verso i musulmani e la paura di offendere.
“… We don’t know the veracity of the allegations that one of the Tower Hamlets foster families disparaged Christmas and Easter and banned the cross. Suppose the claims are true. Would a Muslim child have thrived in such a household any more than a Christian child?
… There is a difference between saying that certain Muslims committed heinous acts and saying that they did so because they were Muslims or that many or most Muslims act in a similar fashion. But liberal nervousness only paves the way for bigots to ride roughshod over such distinctions and to target all Muslims as the Other.”
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