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Frutta, verdura e vita in famiglia: perché gli spagnoli vivranno più a lungo [EN]

36 commenti

A cura di @Perodatrent.

Il Guardian commenta i risultati di uno studio sulla futura longevità in vari paesi, da cui risulta che nel 2040 il paese con la speranza di vita più alta sarà la Spagna, che spodesterà il Giappone.

Antonio Abellan, esperto del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche spagnolo commenta così i risultati:

“The truth is we don’t know all the reasons why,” he said. “The generations now reaching old age in Spain are doing a bit better than other generations did in other countries. We can say that the new generations of old people coming through now are a bit better and so will last a bit longer.”

Abellán said that while the Mediterranean diet obviously played its part, social and familial relationships were also key. “Like other Mediterranean countries, Spain really values that family richness: the bonds of family; the closeness of family. It’s not the only thing – nor the most important thing – but I think it goes some way to explaining the differences between Spain and other countries. It’s a bonus. If you live better, you end up living longer.”

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