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GoldieBlox vs. the Big Sister machine

GoldieBlox vs. the Big Sister machine

5 commenti

Su segnalazione di @s1mon4.

GoldieBlox è un’azienda americana che propone giocattoli per bambine che puntino a stimolare le loro capacità ingegneristiche. Secondo un recente studio dell’Università dell’Oregon, i giocattoli influenzerebbero le scelte formative e professionali.

Girls ages 4 to 7 were randomly assigned to play with one of three dolls: a fashion Barbie with dress and high-heeled shoes; a career Barbie with a doctor’s coat and stethoscope; or a Mrs. Potato Head with accessories such as purses and shoes. Mrs. Potato Head was selected as a neutral doll because the toy is similar in color and texture, but doesn’t have the sexualized characteristics of Barbie.

After a few minutes of play, the girls were asked if they could do any of 10 occupations when they grew up. They were also asked if boys could do those jobs. Half of the careers were traditionally male-dominated and half were female-dominated.

Girls who played with Barbie thought they could do fewer jobs than boys could do. But girls who played with Mrs. Potato Head reported nearly the same number of possible careers for themselves and for boys.

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