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I primi 50 anni del Valjoux 7750

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Un articolo di Denis Peshkov su Monochrome ripercorre nel dettaglio la storia del cronografo Valjoux 7750.
Cinquant’anni fa veniva presentato il Valjoux 7750, nato dall’evoluzione del precedente 7733 a carica manuale, nel tempo è diventato il movimento “standard” di cronografi di ogni livello.

Pur non apprezzato per il lato estetico, si è guadagnato il rispetto dell’industria grazie all’affidabilità e alla semplicità di produzione e manutenzione.

The ETA Valjoux 7750 chronograph movement is well-known in the world of watchmaking for being tough, reliable, and versatile. Since it was first introduced in the early 1970s, it has gained a strong reputation for being accurate and long-lasting, which has made it a favourite chronograph calibre among both watchmakers and enthusiasts. In addition, the 7750 is built in a way that makes it relatively easy to service and update so that it can be used as a base for different kinds of upgrades and changes. Because of this, it’s been used in thousands of watches, from affordable to truly high-end ones, showing how versatile and appealing it is, but also how influential it has been for the industry. We gladly mark the 50 years of the Valjoux 7750 by offering a look at its origins, characteristics and importance to the industry.

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