Un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Il cuore pubblico diviso [EN]

4 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Economato.

In un articolo per Aeon, Sharun Mukand e Dani Rodrik spiegano in che termini cultura ed economia guidano il cambiamento politico, per spiegare perché a volte gli elettori votano contro i propri interessi.

First, interests need not be defined in purely economic terms. People care about their identity, values and self-worth in addition to their pocketbook. It makes little sense to think of interests only as behaviour driven by short-term financial gain. Second, ideas and interests can also be difficult to distinguish from each other: policy ideas are frequently peddled by moneyed interests with a stake in the outcomes, and interests often form out of ideas about individual or group identity and how the world works. Third, the determination of culture and ideas, as well as the behaviour driven by them, is amenable to modelling approaches employed in rational-choice political economy. There is no need to apply standards of reasoning and rigour to the world of ideas that differ from the world of interests.

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