un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Il peggior disastro industriale della storia è ancora in atto [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Yoghi.

Un articolo dell’Atlantic racconta la fuga di gas tossici nota come Disastro di Bhopal, le cui conseguenze per la popolazione locale si protraggono fino a oggi.

On December 3, 1984, 40 tons of a toxic gas spewed from the factory and scorched the throats, eyes, and lives of thousands of people outside these walls. It was—still is—the world’s deadliest industrial disaster. For a brief time, the Bhopal gas tragedy, as it became known, raised urgent questions about how multinational companies and governments should respond when the unthinkable happens. But it didn’t take long for the world’s attention to shift, beginning with the Chernobyl nuclear accident a little more than a year later.

Immagine da Wikimedia.


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