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Di come insegnanti e genitori usano WeChat in Cina [EN]

Di come insegnanti e genitori usano WeChat in Cina [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @MostroDeiBiscotti

In Cina, WeChat, l’app di messaggistica più diffusa nel Paese, viene utilizzata in molte scuole da genitori e insegnanti con il risultato di rendere ancora più pressante l’esperienza educativa.

On a recent Thursday evening, Zhang Zehao, a seventh grader in Tianjin, China, braced himself for extra math assignments posted by his teacher on WeChat, a messaging app. At 7 p.m., his mother received a picture on her phone: a piece of paper with three handwritten geometry problems concerning parallel lines. He didn’t receive any other assignments that evening; after all, it was only the fourth day of the spring semester.

Ne parla questo articolo del MIT Techology Review.

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