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La conversione al buddismo come protesta politica [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Yoghi.

Un articolo dell’Atlantic racconta la diffusione del buddismo dalit di Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar tra i membri delle caste più basse dell’India, e il carattere politico di queste conversioni:

Ambedkarite Buddhism is an increasingly popular option for dissatisfied Dalits because converting from Hinduism to Islam or Christianity is now illegal in several states. Buddhism is considered a “sub-sect” of Hinduism in Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, which is a useful loophole for conversion—and a hindrance, because it’s a major reason why the Hindu establishment doesn’t fully recognize Buddhist identity today. Over the course of Indian history, Buddhism has been uneasily absorbed into the Hindu fold, with some arguing that Buddha was really an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. This is a fiercely contested notion, one that converts to Ambedkarite Buddhism specifically pledge to reject.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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