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La dura realtà della crisi energetica europea

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Cyril Widdershoven discute della crisi energetica in Europa per OilPrice.com.

Europe’s energy crunch is continuing, as gas storage volumes have shrunk to 10-year lows. A possible harsh winter could lead to severe energy shortages and possible shutdowns of large parts of the economy.

La situazione attuale ha anche portato l’Olanda a discutere la riapertura del sito di Groningen, il più grande sito di estrazione di gas naturale in Europa e il decimo più grande al mondo. Questa ipotesi al momento è stata però messa da parte dal ministro dell’economia olandese Blok.

Questa crisi energetica potrebbe portare anche allo stop per alcune industrie che richiedono molta energia per il loro funzionamento:

The lack of supply of natural gas by Russia (or the political will to supply more), the difficulty of ramping up Norwegian gas or other gas imports quickly, is jeopardizing Europe’s energy situation. At the same time, a possible shutdown of several electricity-intensive industries in Europe, such as fertilizers, chemicals, and steel/aluminum production is on the table.

Inoltre, i governi europei dovranno preparasi alle proteste per l’aumento delle bollette o per il deficit energetico che riguarderà sia i privati che le industrie:

Threats of an energy crisis are being discussed widely, but no real solutions except lower taxes are available.

L’articolo discute anche delle presunte responsabilità dei governi europei nell’attuale crisi:

By opening up the gas market for liberalization, without giving the necessary tools to parties, and pushing for a spot market, instability was introduced into the system. Geopolitical powers are still at play, while utilities and European suppliers have seen little support from their governments.

Europe’s gas supply diversification strategy has been a failure, not only due to EU tactics and regulations but also because of the ongoing one-sided emphasis on a rapid energy transition, hydrocarbon divestment, and full-scale investments in renewables, without realizing that the backbone of the European economic system is still hydrocarbon fueled.

Immagine da Pixabay.

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