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La politica del New Labour verso i rifugiati [EN]

La politica del New Labour verso i rifugiati [EN]

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A cura di @werner58.

Il giornalista inglese Steve Bloomfield riassume in un thread su Twitter una serie di dure prese di posizione del Partito Laburista inglese contro i richiedenti asilo, nei primi anni 2000. Oltre alle fonti delle varie citazioni, riporta l’andamento dei sondaggi di opinione dell’epoca sul tema immigrazione – nei quali i laburisti, nonostante queste scelte, non ottennero alcun miglioramento.

Immigration was a key theme in the 2005 election. “Clarke to toughen rules on immigration,” was the Telegraph headline. “New curbs on immigration,” screamed the Standard. “What is wrong is when… people are coming here who are a burden on the society.” Charles Clarke, Labour home secretary, 2005.

How did the voters respond? In April 2005, Ipsos Mori again asked which party people thought had the best policies on immigration. Labour’s support had barely risen from 10% to 11%. The Tories had gone from 36% to 53%.

Bloomfield è caporedattore alla rivista di attualità Prospect.

The magazine prizes independence over ideology and its articles and authors span the political spectrum. It tends to avoid a “line” on specific policy issues. Perhaps its strongest leaning is “contrarian” — it devotes much space to articles debunking the “popular wisdom” […] However, it has been described as left-leaning by the BBC (fonte: Wikipedia)

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