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La richiesta mondiale di energia è destinata a crollare questo anno [EN]

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La IEA (International Energy Agency) pubblica un comunicato stampa con le previsioni per le richiesta di energia per il 2020.

La pandemia da Covid-19 ha imposto cambiamenti che porteranno ad un calo di almeno il 6% delle richieste di energia per il 2020.

Renewables are set to be the only energy source that will grow in 2020, with their share of global electricity generation projected to jump thanks to their priority access to grids and low operating costa.

Come risultato, le emissioni di CO2 caleranno dell’ 8%.

“Resulting from premature deaths and economic trauma around the world, the historic decline in global emissions is absolutely nothing to cheer,” said Dr Birol. “And if the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis is anything to go by, we are likely to soon see a sharp rebound in emissions as economic conditions improve. But governments can learn from that experience by putting clean energy technologies – renewables, efficiency, batteries, hydrogen and carbon capture – at the heart of their plans for economic recovery. Investing in those areas can create jobs, make economies more competitive and steer the world towards a more resilient and cleaner energy future.”

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