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La verità sugli alligatori nelle fogne di New York [EN]

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Un articolo del New York Times indaga il mito urbano sulla presenza di alligatori nelle fogne della Grande Mela, ripercorrendone gli sviluppi nella cultura pop.

They are big. They are vicious. Some say they are albinos, because of a lack of sunlight.

They are the alligators that supposedly infest New York City’s sewer system, slithering through the bowels just under the street level, feeding on rats and rubbish and terrorizing sewer workers armed with guns for self-defense.

These gators may be the city’s most entrenched urban myth, one that has permeated pop culture and has become a recurring theme in books, television shows and movies.

That century-old myth has spawned hoaxes and art projects. It has even become an official quasi-holiday in the city: Alligator in the Sewer Day is in February. And the tales are sort of true. The city rescues several alligators a year, typically former pets that have been abandoned after having outgrown their cute phase. With every new sighting, the legend gets another boost.

Immagine di Bill Ward su Flickr

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