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L’antieuropeismo dell’Unione Europea [EN]

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A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo di Mises del 2016 argomenta circa l’esistenza di due Europe in contrapposizione, la prima intesa come unione spontanea di popoli con interessi comuni, la seconda come Unione Europea, descritta come un organismo politico la cui tendenza alla centralizzazione dei poteri e alla regolamentazione costituisce una minaccia alla libertà economica e sociale dei singoli stati membri.
La distinzione viene fatta tracciando dei parallelismi con i concetti di “vero individualismo” e “falso individualismo” di cui parla questo saggio di Hayek.

In 1946, F.A. Hayek wrote a pathbreaking article named “Individualism: True and False” where he distinguished two different individualist intellectual traditions. One, as Hayek calls it, is “true individualism,” based on evolutionism, the idea that institutions and individuals’ behaviors are not planned consciously but are rather the result of a spontaneous process. True individualism follows the tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment. False individualism, on the contrary, is based on extreme rationalism and solipsism. False individualism is based on the idea that society, freedom, and markets, can be planned and should be planned. This false individualism is the heir of the 1789 and — even more clearly — of the 1793 French Revolutionaries.

These two sorts of individualism are today at the root of two different sorts of Europeanism. True Europeanism admits that most of what made Europe was not planned but rather spontaneous. The implications are that we ought to have as much decentralization as possible for Europe to continue to strive and to safeguard human liberties. On the other hand, false Europeanism thinks that Europe can only truly become Europe if planning by common political institutions exists. False Europeanists believe that the only alternative is between Nation States and the European Union. Their defense of a centralized European political entity is based on the erroneous idea that political centralization is positively linked to the process of civilization because society, law, markets, prosperity, and the “European spirit” ought to be designed by rulers.

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