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Leggere modifica il cervello [EN]

6 commenti

A cura di di @mk.

Lo studio comparato tra lettori abituali e analfabeti o dislessici rivela che il funzionamento del cervello viene fortemente influenzato dall’abilità di leggere, e non solo in questa specifica abilità, ma anche, ad esempio, nell’orientamento spaziale e nel riconoscimento di immagini.

“From a research perspective “afferma SciTechDaily “reading and writing is a fascinating phenomenon. After all, the first writing systems date back less than 6,000 years – the blink of an eye in the timescale of human evolution. How the human brain is nonetheless able to master this complex task is a key question. Current topics of scientific interest include exploring the differences between practised readers and illiterate individuals – and the consequences for people with reading difficulties – as well as the impact of poor reading and writing skills on global democracy.”

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